Marten mat Gardigo marten scare marten protection car marten grille marten defen

€ 13.50

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Richtet ein Marder Unheil in Ihrem Motorraum an?. Wenn Sie Glück haben, hinterlässt das Tier dort nur Schmutz und Nahrungsreste. Schlimmstenfalls

Dry leftovers of bread and bitten cables under the hood indicate a fluffy marten. Especially in the cold season, it feels at home in the warm engine

Sonic Marten Repellent | for cars

Marten damage: How you can protect your vehicle from it!

Keep martens out of your car with a marten repellent

Marten defense

Marten repellent – ​​what types are there?

Marten Stop Car Kit

Is a marten wreaking havoc in your engine bay? If you are lucky the animal only leaves behind dirt and smelly food residue. In the worst case it

Marten Deterrent Mat | animal repellent mesh

Marten problems around the car often happen when the vehicle has been parked in several different marten territories. Once the animal smells a

Marten Mat Mobile | foldable & portable anti marten mesh

The Gardigo Marten Repellent Ultra emits an ultrasonic frequency of 23 kHz at intervals of 15 seconds. Martens perceive these frequencies as very

Ultrasonic marten repellent | for cars & other vehicles