Insight: Why it's time to take the Sim Racing business seriously

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Motor racing Esports – or Sim Racing as it’s known to that community – was initially left behind as competitive gaming hit the big time. But that might all be about to change, reckons Dom Duhan, the team boss of Red Line Racing and also part of the team behind leading sim platform rFactor 2.

Sim racing is fast evolving from pastime to training aid to full-time career - Hagerty Media

Full Motion Simulator 2,3,6 Axis Platforms for PC home Flight and Racing games

Why it's time to take the Sim Racing business seriously, by AVSPORT, AVSPORTWORLD

I Bought the Ultimate Racing SIM! - Triple 55 Monitors

Sim Racing Isn't Gaming, It's for Motorsport Pros! – National Motorsport Academy

Partner insights: Grid Engineering –

Insight: Why it's time to take the Sim Racing business seriously

Perspectives: Read, watch, learn, and grow with our insights - mobileLIVE

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