A Silyl Ether Based Fluorescent Probe for Rapid Monitoring of Endogenous Peroxynitrite Concentration and Imaging in Living Cells through Multicolor Emission - Zhuo - 2020 - ChemPlusChem - Wiley Online Library

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Chemistry – A European Journal: EarlyView - Chemistry Europe

ortho‐Boronic Acid Carbonyl Compounds and Their Applications in

Fluorescent Biomolecules and their Building Blocks (FB3

ortho‐Boronic Acid Carbonyl Compounds and Their Applications in

Emerging advances in fluorescence imaging and phototherapy of

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Water-soluble ratiometric fluorescent probes for exogenous and

A Highly Sensitive and Selective Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probe

A Highly Sensitive and Selective Near-Infrared Fluorescent Probe

A Reductant-Resistant and Metal-Free Fluorescent Probe for

A highly selective ESIPT-based fluorescent probe with a large

A super sensitive fluorescent probe for imaging endogenous

Fluorescent Biomolecules and their Building Blocks (FB3