German NYE Tradition: Bleigiessen (Fortune Telling) - In A Berlin Minute (Week 139) [HD]

€ 34.50

Auf Lager

Finnish NEW YEAR Tradition of Molybdomancy

German NYE Tradition: Bleigiessen (Fortune Telling through Molybdomancy) - In A Berlin Minute (Week 139) - Luci Westphal

Molybdomancy, the art of Fortune Telling with lead and water.

Travel the World with these NEW YEAR'S EVE TRADITIONS — Speak! Language Center

New Year's Luck Traditions in Germany

New Year's Eve - Wikipedia

German NYE Tradition: Bleigiessen (Fortune Telling) - In A Berlin Minute (Week 139) [HD]

Finnish Traditions: Lead Pouring

Celebrating Wintertide